Thursday, January 26, 2017

A Complete Day of Reading and Writing

Starting from the time I wake up at seven in the morning, I first have to read and determine to either select "snooze" or "off," which more often than not, I press snooze. I then roll over and make myself wake up by going on social media. While I'm social media, I read people's obnoxious tweets on Twitter, look at all the posts on Instagram, and open up Snapchat to see what people have been up to. I also read and reply to texts that I missed while I was asleep. After I have been made aware of what everyone else has done with their life, I begin mine. After I am done getting ready, I usually read the nutrition facts of my breakfast, or if I eat at the cafeteria, I read what the options are for their morning breakfast. As I walk to class, I read all the signs, posters, and booths that surround the campus. As I walk into the correct building, I look for the right room number, and sit in a seat. Once I am sitting down waiting for my professor to begin, I grab my planner and pencil in things that I have to tackle for the day. As the teacher begins their lecture, I read all of the information on the board, and transfer that into my notebook. After all of my classes have been completed, I head back to my dorm for a nap. Once I wake up, I head to the gym and read the descriptions on how to work the machine.Once I am done at the gym, I head home to finish writing my homework, take a shower, catch up on social media once again, and head to bed. And that is a complete day of all the reading and writing I do in a day.

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